Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No Coincidence: God was Piecing Together the Puzzle

Throughout our journey we have tried to share times when the only reasonable explanation is that God was in control.  We have felt God walking beside us in this journey and there are so many situations that scream God was watching over us. 

1. God made sure that we arrived safely back to Sioux Center in May before I started bleeding and had to visit the ER in Orange City.  Once we arrived in Orange City we fell into the hands of a doctor who loves God and who asked to pray with us before transferring us to Sioux Falls.  What a true Christian to openly share his faith and personal stories with a family he didn't even know. Thank you Dr. Hanson!

2. As we left Orange City to drive to Sanford Hospital in May we had Life 96.5 on the radio.  It was pouring down rain outside and the thunder/lightning was making its presence known.  The song, "Healing Rain" by Michael W. Smith came on the radio.  God knew that Andrew and I had to hear those words and that we needed to be reminded that true healing in Christ comes with fire.  God doesn't say that being a Christian is going to be easy.  God chose us to carry this child for an undetermined amount of time and He was using us for His work.  We knew we could weather this storm and God would stand beside us.  I don't think it was any coincidence that for the next six weeks, every Friday when we had an appointment, it rained.  God was reassuring us that His will was still being done and we just needed to keep on with our journey.

3. In July, my sister and friend happened to be visiting when I needed to go to the ER yet again.  Andrew was flying so if they had not been around I would have had to drive myself to Orange City.  They were also able to each drive a vehicle to Sioux Falls with our luggage since we had to be transferred by ambulance.  This was wonderful because it allowed Andrew to stay with me instead of him having to drive to Sioux Falls alone. I don't think it was a coincidence that my sister Deann did not find a job after graduating in May.  God knew we would need the extra help in our pregnancy and she was able to make trips to Northwest Iowa easier due to not having a job yet.
4. Our contractions stopped in July - that happens in less than 20% of women.  What a God thing!

5.  When a woman gets pregnant she usually has nine months to prepare for the baby's arrival.  She also assumes she will be working for nine more months before having to take a few weeks off.  This obviously was not the case in our situation.  I went on bed rest at only four months pregnant and was no longer bringing in the income we had planned on before the baby's arrival.  In addition, when you have as many doctor's visits, emergency room visits, and an extended hospital stay....the paperwork begins to pile up.  I was starting to get very overwhelmed with all of the bills we were paying and the last thing I wanted was for them to become a burden.  The same day I was complaining to Andrew that I was tired of dealing with our insurance companies and multiple hospitals, we received an email from our church.  They wanted to give us a gift card to help with meals, gas, and any other expenses we may be enduring during our hospital stay.  At this point we had no idea of the monetary value of this gift card but it just reminded us that God WAS in control.  When we were feeling overwhelmed He used that opportunity to calm our nerves and to remind us to trust in Him.  He will provide for us - even financially. 

5. God had planned convenient timing for Andrew's brother Adam to close on a house in Sioux Falls.  This became a huge blessing to us for a few months.  My family was able to stay at his home whenever they came to visit.  I was also able to live in his basement night after night while we waited for the day we would take Makinley home.  It was so nice being close to the hospital but yet having my own space that I could go back to at night.  This was God's way of providing a shelter for us.

6. We were faced with many decisions before Makinley's delivery.  When do we want to be admitted to Sanford once she is viable?  What do we want to do if she is delivered at 23 5/7 weeks?  Do we want doctors to revive her?  What do we want to do if mommy or baby get an infection prior to delivery?  How many weeks do want to wait until we induce?  Do we want to learn how to deal with a child who has a tracheotomy and oxygen?  What do we want doctors to do if she doesn't tolerate labor? 

Thankfully - we NEVER had to give an answer for any of these questions!  We were admitted when contractions started occurring, she was not delivered early (under 24 weeks), we had no infections, God chose the day he wanted her born, she handled labor wonderfully, and she was able to breathe on her own!  NOTHING will ever be able to explain how blessed we are that God took those hard decisions and laid all of the answers out in front of us.

7. Lastly - the biggest miracle of all - our baby girl is alive!  No medical diagnosis, test, or doctor can explain why Makinley survived.  The specialists are even more shocked that she has no lung issues and she is breathing on her own.  They thought we would be in the NICU for close to a year just working with her breathing and after four days she is breathing on her own. 

Thank you Lord - for letting us be a part of your great works. 
Please let us be a witness to those around us and use Makinley's story to benefit you.

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