Monday, August 29, 2011

Makinley's One Week Old

Makinley has been doing very well the last few days.  She is now back to her birth weight of 4 lbs.  The doctors conducted a routine head scan yesterday.  Everything looked great and there were no brain bleeds.  Makinley was also taken off of the Bili light today.  Her numbers have stabalized and she no longer needs to be under the light. 

We are adaptly quickly to life in the NICU.  It doesn't take very long to learn all of the alarms and whistles.  I swear there are alarms for everything.  She has an oxygen cord that wraps around her foot or hand.  If she moves a lot this will alarm because it does not pick up her levels correctly.  Alarms go off if she doesn't have her three stomach patches on correctly.  They are just sticky on the back so this happens frequently.  If her oxygen level drops below a certain level there is a yellow warning signal and a red danger alarm.  If the red alarm goes off nurses come running in the room and stimulate (rub her back) her to start breathing again.  She is getting caffiene to help eliminate these spells.  We have been told this is very common in the premature babies and they will just keep monitoring her.  Here is a picture Makinley's bed and monitors:

This weekend Andrew bought Makinley her first large stuffed animal.  We found a great big monkey that we thought would be cute in Makinley's NICU room.  I hope to take pictures with it as she grows so we have something to compare in size.  
Daddy & Makinley with Monkey: One Week Old

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