Sunday, August 21, 2011

30 Weeks Along: Week 14 of Bed Rest

We are now at 30 weeks!  The fact that we have made it this far is a complete miracle.  I have been told by our nurses that they continue to talk about me and guess how long I will go because none of them thought we would make it this far.  Most people who rupture at 24 or 25 weeks are delivered by 30 weeks and we ruptured 8 weeks prior to 24 weeks.  I keep telling them - whatever the book or statistic is - just figure we will be the opposite!

Our baby is a chunk - no other way to put it.  It weighed 3 lbs 15 oz today which is more than a pound gained from two weeks ago!  Remember, they usually gain 8 oz every two weeks at this stage yet.  This puts us in the 78% now.  I blame this big growth to a few good home cooked meals that were brought up last week during my mom and sister's visit.  Fluid levels continue to fluctuate anywhere from 1 cm up to 4 cm over the last two weeks.  We have made it through another successful spray season and Andrew is now back to flying trips again.  We are thankful that this baby held off so he could help out during that busy time and for everyone's safety flying or on the ground.  To say that I enjoyed seeing him again for a full weekend this last week would be an understatement! 

Our prayer requests for these next couple of weeks would be for patience & trust.  Patience seems to be a common theme but as we continue to get closer to delivery we are both getting anxious.  In addition, it is getting more difficult for me to be stuck at the hospital and watch Andrew & others leave all the time.  I am ready to get back to some normal activities and not be "watched" anymore.  I have passed the 50 day mark in the hospital!  Trust is the second request because we want to be an example for others and trust in God's plan.  We truly hope that our "waiting" brings home a miracle but we know that God could choose to take our baby to heaven too. 

(To Makinley)  We are so glad that you are still happy in your "little pool" of water.  You have been such a trooper through all of this when I am sure you are squished and working hard.  We are so glad that you continue to grow ahead of schedule which will hopefully just give you a better fighting chance at delivery.  Mommy is starting to get sick of the hospital.  The nurses are great and taking me outside with them for break or through the museum downstairs.  But nothing will fill that "want" of leaving the hospital to go home.  I just hope and pray that we get to take you home with us at some point.  I will wait here as long as you need me to if it means you will survive.  Love you baby girl.

Pictures taken at 30 weeks gestation on our Sunday trip out to the gardens near the castle. 
It was so nice to be outside and soak up the sun.

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