Friday, August 5, 2011

28 Weeks Along - Week 12 of Bed Rest

We are already in August and we have made it to the 28 week point!  This baby continues to surprise everyone with how well it is doing and we give praise to God for making it all possible.  The last few weeks have been going really well.  We have not had any bumps in the road like we did a few weeks ago.  We are thankful for that. I was able to take a short outing with Andrew recently.  It was so nice to get in a vehicle and leave the hospital away from the four walls of my room.  We had to obtain a pass from the hospital since as a patient I am not supposed to leave hospital grounds.  This was the first time that I have left the grounds in 5.5 weeks.  It went really well and I felt better than what I do sometimes at the hospital.  We made a quick stop to Target so I could buy a few things, "people watched" at the mall while eating a pretzel, and got some fresh air while sitting at Falls Park.  It was so nice to feel "normal" again and definitely hard to let Andrew take me back. 


Pictures taken at 26.5 weeks pregnant

My white blood cell counts continue to be in the average range (last count was a 9) and sometimes we question whether it is really necessary for them to take it so often.  We had a growth ultrasound today and the baby weighs 2 lbs 14 oz!  I told Andrew that the munchies in my room plus ice cream have helped account for the good growth :)  We are now in the 74% range and things continue to look fine with the baby.  Fluid was at 3 cm and continues to fluctuate because a week ago we had 5.3 which was the highest we have had since 16 weeks. 

We ask that you continue to pray for health for the baby because that is our highest concern and the reason we continue on this journey.  But we also ask that you pray for patience, strength, and endurance for us.  This weekend marks 12 weeks that we have been on bed rest and 5.5 of those were here at Sanford.  With Andrew working long hours we usually only see each other on Sunday's which makes for really long days/weeks for both of us.  We know every day is a blessing and we are both where we are supposed to be but it is fair to say that the waiting is starting to take its toll on both of us.  I think we are getting anxious now that we see an "end" in sight which could be six weeks away yet.  Thank you for your continued prayers, to those of you who have stopped to visit, brought me supper or munchies, and for those of you who have helped financially.  It is ALL greatly appreciated!!

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