Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Makinley: Day 2 in the NICU

Just wanted to give you all a quick update on how Makinley is doing.  We are so pleased with her progress!  Shortly after we updated you yesterday the NICU decided to take Makinley off of the C-pap because she was doing so well.  This meant she went down to only a nasal canula that provides a little bit of oxygen if she needs it. 

Today was a very stressful day for me.  I was feeling very overwhelmed with everything that was trying to be accomplished.  They started Makinley on the bili light since she was showing small signs of jaundice.  My parents took off shortly after lunch.  It was sad to see them leave because they have been such a huge support for us on this long journey.  We were trying to sign all of the discharge papers, birth certificate papers, and get prescriptions filled.  All the while the NICU kept calling to ask us to sign a waiver for them to put a PICC line in Makinley.  This will allow for a more sterile way for the nurses to give her nutrients and medications instead of to her stomach through the umbilical cord line.  I was not feeling confident in doing this procedure at all.  I finally broke down in Makinley's room and Andrew made the decision to go ahead with it.  We have made so many decisions on her behalf and I felt like we didn't have the adequate time to research our options like we had done before. 

We told the NICU nurse Jenn that we would be downstairs waiting for them to call when they were completed.  We packed our bags and brought some of our many things out to the car at this time.  They finally called to tell us the procedure was finished and we could come up to see her again.  I was really anxious and looking forward to possibly holding her before we left for home.  I was sadly disappointed.  They failed to tell us that she would be sedated for this procedure and therefore would not be in the best state to be held.  Not the way a new mommy wants to leave her baby.  It was so frustrating - she was so out of it when we said goodbye but it was time that we headed home as well.

It was weird finally being home again tonight.  Although I knew this was my house - I felt like I was in a totally new place again.  I even had to adjust to the smell of my own home again.  Andrew has a trip tomorrow so hopefully I can survive on my own.  Our plan is to head back on Friday after Andrew gets off work.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  We will keep you updated as things progress with Makinley.

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