Thursday, August 25, 2011

Makinley: Day 3 in the NICU

Those of you who have had NICU babies understand how hard it is to be away from your child.  You want to be that sound and smell they are used to but at the same time it is necessary you take care of yourself too.  Today I called in to check on Makinley.  You call the front desk, ask to talk the nurse for your child, wait to be transferred, and then supply a code number that is associated with your kid.  As hard as it is to prove that you are the parent - I am also grateful for this tool that allows parents to follow the care of their child even if they can't physically be present at their bed side.

Makinley is doing awesome.  Far better than anyone would have ever thought.  She is off of ALL oxygen.  Last night she pulled her nasal cannula out and the nurse did not even catch it right away.  She was doing fine without it because none of her monitors went off.  They all decided on rounds to leave it out and see if she could maintain her oxygen.  What a huge accomplishment for Makinley!!  Yesterday, they also decided they would start giving her breast milk to her stomach and start to cut back on the sugar/IV nutrients.  She has been taking 2 ml every three hours for over a day now and had no issues. 

Our only concern at this time, which is common in preemies, is she has times where she stops breathing or holds her breath too long which causes her heart rate to drop.  They are giving her caffeine for this and said it should decrease in two or three weeks.  She also continues to be on the Bili light to help with the jaundice.

Today was my first full day at home.  It did not go so well.  I did not realize how close in proximity everything was for me in my hospital room.  The bathroom, my bed, and even the fridge were only a few steps away.  Now I have to walk a lot farther if I want to lay in bed, or if I want to get a drink, or use the bathroom.  I didn't feel weak while on bed rest but not I can definitely tell I have no energy.  Shortly before lunch I was exhausted and feeling very light headed.  My biggest worry was that I was going to pass out and no one was going to even know it.  Since Andrew was gone on a flight, I called up a friend and previous co-worker, Bonnie Ruden.  Thank you Bonnie for coming to my rescue!!  She was so nice to not only come and sit with me for a while but she brought over some much needed groceries so that we had some food in our house.  Since Andrew spent all of his free time at the hospital with me for two months - we really didn't have anything edible left in our cupboards.  Later in the afternoon, Andrew's mom, Joan came over for a while until Andrew got home.  I am hoping each day gets a little better and I become a little stronger.  I know it is going to take time but at this point I wish it would speed up.

To Makinley: This is the first day we have not been together since we knew of your existence.  It breaks our heart that we could not be with you today.  We love you soo much.  Thank you for doing so well while we are away.  You make us so proud and it makes us not worry so much when you are doing well.  Keep up the good work.  We hope to see you tomorrow!

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