Thursday, September 1, 2011

Memories with the High Risk OB Staff

Before too much time passes I wanted to write a blog on the wonderful staff we became close to on the High Risk OB unit.  THANK YOU ladies for becoming my family during an unknown situation and in an unknown environment.  Andrew and I will always have good things to say about our time on HighROB and we will always cherish the memories.  I wanted to take time to mention a few of you and to journal what I will remember most about you.  You all impacted us in some way - some of you we just had more often than others :)

Shanna - You work more for the high risk doctors than a nurse on HighRob but we both appreciated all that you did for us.  At first you were just the lady that came in with the specialists but then you became a friend.  I looked forward to seeing you and hearing about your weekends.  You were a big Hawkeye Fan which we could relate with!  When I was overwhelmed with the roof situation - you offered to find me someone who could do a pedicure in the hospital.  And I remember talking to you on the phone when I went into labor early in the morning.  I felt bad for the nurses waking you up and you told me that was the least of your wanted to make sure I was okay and that I had access to anything I was in need of.  Thank you for being a great person!

Pat - We both remember having you as a nurse when we were admitted the first time in May.  We will never forget your kindness as you walked us out during discharge.  You told us to come back and have our family with you guys.  Little did we know that we would come back and deliver this baby in your unit and add her to our family.  I will also remember when you took me for a ride through the museum downstairs while they were working on the roof.  I needed a silent area and it was fun looking through all of the past hospital equipment and how it has evolved.  The love you have for your job is very evident!

Lori - You have such a quiet demeanor about you.  We remember playing Dutch bingo with you and finding out that you were a sister to my Oskaloosa Christian Grade School principal Ron Halma.  What a small world we really live in.  You were also very cheerful whenever you entered my room and I looked forward to seeing you.

Denise - You were the funny one.  You always had stories to share about cars & your kids.  You were always calm and made a light situation out of a stressful one.  You also brought me Hershey's Hugs upon reaching 26 weeks gestation. 

Marsha - You have a gift!  You know just how to wait on people without making them feel like a patient in a hospital.  You always had a smiling face and were so kind to help with anything I needed.  Thank you for sharing your camping stories with me as well as the news that you were going to be a grandma!!  I loved our coffee time outside and wish I would have stayed on bed rest so we could have had a few more :)   (See, I still only remember the good thoughts even though you had to do over 15 blood draws on me!)

Char - My price is right buddy!  I still think of you every time it comes time for the showcase showdown.  How close can we get to the actual price :)  I will remember you spent the day as my nurse the day I had magnesium.  I loved hearing about your boys and your adventures walking to work.  Another thing Andrew and I both remember is that if you were working the weekends - you would always let us sleep in.  We would never start monitoring at 8 am.  This was greatly appreciated....especially the weekends that Andrew didn't get up to the hospital until midnight or later the night before! 

Becky - The first thing we will both remember about you is from our visit in May.  You were our nurse upon arrival and I remember you saying that my bleeding was not significant.  That was the first phrase that pointed to no delivery we had heard all night and it was so calming to hear.  The other standout moment was the next day when you were finishing up your shift. Lori had come in to introduce herself as the new nurse and we had just finished talking with her about who her relatives were.  We told you we were playing Dutch Bingo and you asked what that was.  Highlight of our day!!  Since we both grew up in Iowa I guess we take for granted that everyone knows what that is around here.  I also loved hearing about your two kids and listening to all of the places you would take them on your days off. 

Heidi - If the world would be a perfect place....everyone would be Heidi.  You have such a kind heart and you are using it to please God.  We both loved having you as a nurse and enjoyed hearing about your trips to Haiti.  You were the person that introduced me to the soft serve ice cream.  I will never be able to thank you enough for that one :)  You are a great nurse and will always be considered a friend!

Elaine: You will always be remembered for helping me start my frog cross stitch blanket.  I had no clue what I was doing and you tube was no help because the hospital had the site blocked.  Thankfully you were willing to show your skills to me and teach me what I needed to do.  That blanket passed many hours of monitoring for me and will be a great keep sake for Makinley.

Sarah: Also known as the short Sarah.  This is the way we kept you separate from the other Sara.  I had you many times as a nurse and it was always reassuring to see your smiling face enter my room at night.  After awhile I enjoyed having the same people over and over again.  I asked you a lot of random questions (I am sure some seemed so simple) and you were always willing to share personal experiences.  I loved hearing about your three girls and appreciated you sharing stories about them with me. 

Pam: Twin sister to Pat.  You guys could fool many people.  I remember you came into my room one morning and I didn't have my contacts in yet.  You hooked me to the monitor and I kept thinking to myself that you sounded like Pat but yet had slightly different actions than Pat.  I was about ready to tell you that I liked your new haircut when you told me I probably knew your twin sister Pat.  Thank you for speaking up because I didn't have to think I was crazy anymore :)  I also remember you gave me my one and only back massage in the hospital one evening.  It had been a stressful day and you truly made my night.  I was also thrilled to have you in the delivery room when Makinley was born.  It was so nice to have one face that was familiar to us from our stay on HighRob to bring a little reassurance to the situation.

Joni & Denise: We loved to waste time with you late at night and spend hours talking in our room!  Time always seemed to fly by but we always found more to talk about.  Thank you for stopping by and sharing stories about your kids, relatives, camping trips, etc.  (Denise - thank you for making my second IV experience WAY better than the first - I now know that they exist without bugging you 24/7)

Roni:  I always remember your name because I associated you with the Ronald McDonald house.  When we first met you, you were trying to help us decide whether to stay at the Ronald McDonald house or to return home and wait until we miscarried.  I got to know you even better when you visited me later on in July.  You helped me conquer all of the insurance issues, enabled me to get a day pass out of the hospital, and were willing to take me downstairs to eat with you.  Thank you for all your help and visits on a weekly basis!!

Cleaning Ladies:  Most people probably do not take the time to get to know the cleaning ladies.  But most people are not hospitalized for 50+ days either.  I saw these wonderful ladies every other day and they were always kind and considerate in their work.  I felt bad that they were cleaning up after me when I wanted to do some of it myself.  They too shared part of their lives with us and told me what I should order from the cafeteria that is NOT on the menu.  I have learned hospitals keep the good food off the menu :)

I was officially an inpatient for 56 days.  As much as I thought I would be thrilled to leave that floor - it is hard to let go of the friendships we have formed.  I was so used to seeing all of your faces on a daily basis that it is weird moving on to our next stage with Makinley.  Thank you for leaving us with awesome memories and for being so good at what you do. 
You will always be highly recommended by us!

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