Monday, September 19, 2011

Cherishing One Month of Blessings

We had to get creative for some fun family pictures.  My mom came up for the weekend and we made Makinley's room into a make shift studio.  Here are just a few of the many photos snapped.  Enjoy!

To Makinley: You are one special little girl.  We continue to "oooh & ahh" over you and the many new faces you continue to show us.  We are starting to learn your personality and hopefully learning more of your wants and needs.  We know you are a "hot box."  We had so many fleece sleepers that are going to go unused because you start running a temperature whenever you wear them.  That is okay though - just gives me an excuse to go and buy you cute onesies to wear everyday!  You like to ignore people when they come and talk to you.  You "act" like you are sleeping but mommy knows you are just laying there hoping they will go away.  You are a very content baby unless you want something.  And when you want something - you let everyone know it!  Your cry can be heard way down the hallway and recognized by your regular nurses.
We can not believe you are one month old already.  God has truly blessed us with you and we are enjoying every minute of it.  We are so thankful you are healthy and look forward to taking you home.  We are anxious to be home as a family but we also realize you are not ready yet.  We love you Makinley!

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