Monday, September 5, 2011

Makinley's Two Weeks Old

Although each day seems to pass slowly the weeks seem to pass quickly.  We have spent two weeks in the NICU already.  Makinley is up to 4 lbs 9 oz and has made some good improvement this past week.  The doctors took out her PICC line so now all of her feedings and the caffeine doses are given to her through a feeding tube in her nose which goes to her stomach.  I have been spending more time with Makinley this week since I am gaining strength back.  I love to sit and her room and just hold her.  She tolerates being out of the incubator very well and she keeps her temperature up for any amount of time.  This means I can hold her for any amount of time :)  I was also able to give Makinley a bath for the first time this week.  A "bath" for a tiny baby was not at all what I was thinking.  I used small white cloths, dipped them in water with a small amount of shampoo in it, and wiped her down.  I am sure it took me a lot longer than most nurses.  She still seems so small and I was worried about pulling out tubes and setting off alarms.  Pictured below is the two week old Monkey picture as well as a picture of her first bath from mommy.

Since today is Labor Day a few family members were able to come up and visit for the weekend.  Grandma Cyndi, Great-Grandma Rachel Fynaardt, Uncle Layton, and Aunt Dee spent a few days in the NICU with us.  Unfortunately, we can only have four people in her room at one time so we do a lot of rotating in and out of the waiting room.  Makinley is the first grandchild on both sides of the family, she is the first great-grandchild on the Vos side and the tenth great-grandchild for the Fynaardt side..

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