Sunday, October 30, 2011

Two Months Old - Happy Halloween

Makinley is two months old!  We are so ready to take our little peanut home and we feel we are getting so close.  She shocked her doctors and nurses when she took 99 calories per kilo of milk today which is awesome!  They like to see above 100 before they talk about us going home.  She now weighs 8 lbs 10 oz.  We are thankful to report that her blood pressure numbers have decreased.  YAY!  They are now around 95-100 instead of 120.  This is a huge answer to prayers.  We have even decreased the number of times we have to take her blood pressure because they feel it is becoming more stable again.  This is the weekend Makinley was supposed to be due - so hard to picture this as the newborn baby size instead of the 4 lb body size that we think of as a newborn.

Due to our fabulous nurses this weekend - we were able to snap a few Halloween pictures of Makinley unhooked from any monitors.  It was wonderful!!!  The little things can really make our day. The onesie she is wearing came from her therapist and it says "Whoooo Has Treats?"  I wonder if I give her a bucket - will nurses drop treats in it.  I am sure she would share them with her mom :)  Her official Halloween outfit was something I picked up a while ago.  A cute pumpkin sleeper(ignore the fact that it is still a little big on her.)  I was really hoping she would hurry up and eat so that we could visit Pumpkinland in Orange City this fall.  Since we aren't going to make it in time - I purchased some mini pumpkins from them instead.  We snuck them into the NICU to create some cute photo props.  Don't worry - I cleaned and sanitized them first.

Aunt Dee and Grandma Cyndi came up to visit this weekend.  Deann finally had the opportunity to hold Makinley and give her multiple hugs and kisses.  We are so blessed by our family and thankful for the support they have shown to us!  We look forward to their visits but we hope this is the last visit in the NICU and the next ones will be at our home in Sioux Center.

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