Monday, October 17, 2011

Makinley's Enjoying the NICU Luxuries

The title of this post may catch you by surprise.  Most people do not put the two words NICU and luxury in the same sentence.  Three months ago I would not have placed them side by side either but my eyes have been opened up to NICU care.  People here really do care for our child.  They know her because she is in the NICU, they like her because she is a baby, but they love her because they have taken the time to understand her personality.  They have become family to us.  Within the care they provide - they also try to include typical things full term babies would be enjoying. 

Here are the "luxuries" Makinley is getting to enjoy.....

1. Baby Rockers!  Bless these volunteers who dedicate their time to holding babies.  They walk around in a circle passing by each and every room until they come across a baby who is crying or a baby who is awake and would like some attention. They range in age from 20 years old to 70 years old but they all have one common goal - love the babies.  One elderly gentleman has been volunteering for years.  He used to do it with his wife but then she passed away.  He figures if he can help hold a baby and calm their fears or anxiety of being in the NICU- his time is well spent and it frees the nurses up to care for other babies.  Another elderly lady volunteered her time to hold our babies because all of her grandchildren live far away and she can't physically hold them. College students volunteer their time to get away from campus life for an hour or two.  And then there is Jayme.  Jayme is studying to become a nurse so she volunteers her time because she enjoys being with the babies but it also gives her experience in the NICU environment where she is hoping to study.  We became close to Jayme throughout our stay here and we made sure to catch a quick picture with her and Makinley one night.  Andrew and I left for one weekend to travel to Oskaloosa for a baby shower.  I was feeling really bad about leaving until Jayme told me that she would make sure to hold Makinley for a while on Saturday night.  And as you can see - she kept her promise and even wrote us a little note for when we returned!  Thank you to all of the baby rockers who love the babies in the NICU! 

2.   Makinley is now old enough to have a mobile on her bed.  This is supposed to be good stimulation and enjoyment for any baby.  Makinley doesn't mind watching it but truthfully I think she enjoys listening to the music it plays more so than watching the animals spin in a circle.  It is probably a nice change of noise compared to the typical beeping she always hears from her monitors!

3.  Makinley can now enjoy a bouncy seat.  She loves this vibrating seat!  We were so shocked when we turned the corner to enter her room and there on the floor was our little peanut sleeping away.  Look at that sweet little face - with her nose up in the air.  I can only imagine she thinks she is big stuff being all cool in her chair :)

4. Lastly - Makinley gets to enjoy daily messages/therapy sessions from her NICU therapist Elizabeth.  Elizabeth visits us every morning and stretches Makinley's neck, back, knees, and feet.  We hope that stretching daily will give her feet more range of motion and possibly eliminate some casting for her club feet.  As you can see - Makinley is not being harmed at all in this process - she is out cold and enjoying the message to its full potential!

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