Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby Shower from Our Friends

Back Row L to R: Angela Roelfs, Emily Van Deraa, Lisa DeStigter, Valerie Van Beek
Front Row: L to R: Tricia Hessing, Heidi Ragsdale, Me, Jen DeWild

Tonight some of our friends from the area threw me a baby shower.  It was so nice to step away from the hospital for a few hours and hang out with the people who have been part of our support system on this journey.  We met at Jen DeWild's house in Sioux Falls and they had prepared supper for everyone. 

Supper was followed by a few games.  I love the picture below.  I think there is so much going on in the picture.  This was taken during the Baby Babble Game. You had to unscramble the letters to create a word which was associated with babies. Val is picking her brain, Ang is thinking "oh no", I am deep in concentration because we all know I am competitive, and Heidi is cheating off of Trica.  It makes me laugh every time!  I also learned which characteristics/talents/features they would want Makinley to gain from me and which ones they would want her to gain from Andrew from a  Baby Trait game.  We concluded with a game dealing primarily with treats: Candy Concentration in which we had to match various candy names or brands with a phrase that fit that name/brand. 

After games we shared a delicious ice cream cake made my Emily.  She did such a good job on decorating the cake as well as creating the diaper cake which was pictured above.  Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and for the gifts that you showered us with.  Your support means so much to us and we are so thankful to have ALL of you in our lives!

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