Friday, May 27, 2011

18 Weeks Along: Week 2 of Bed Rest

We had another appointment today and we are definitely praising God for where we are at so far and the positive news we received today.  We still have a very long hill to climb, our situation could change at any moment, but for today we can be thankful that everything looks stable. At our appointment today we once again did a blood test and an ultrasound.  My white blood cell count was just a little higher than last time but
still nothing we should be worried about.  It was at 11.7 and Cindy said we shouldn't be worried until 14-15.  So this, along with me not having any fevers all weeks, means that I am not getting any infections which would be bad for the baby and me.

Next we had our ultrasound which showed our little baby was still very active.  Heart rate was at 150 so he/she is still holding strong.  We asked about the fluid and Dr. Grossmann didn't want to get our hopes up since we weren't using a high tech machine but he thought he was able to see at least one or two pockets of fluid that weren't there last week.  So this is also good news.  We noticed we were getting to see a different angle of our baby than what it was at all our other ultrasounds.  So although there is not enough fluid for our baby to turn from breach to head down, there is enough that it is flipping from side to side....also good.

Thanks for your prayers for us and for this baby - as of right now God has decided to let this little one stick with us.  We thank Him for any amount of time that He grants us.  We also realize that even though this is all good news - we still need to build up more fluid in order to help the baby's development.  Our next appointment is on Friday which will be in Sioux Falls.  Since we have made it this far and I am still feeling fine my doctor wants us to get a better, higher tech, ultrasound and see one of the specialists we saw before.  Once again - figure no news is good news until then.

We want you to know that we appreciate all of your prayers and support.  It is very comforting to know that we are being uplifted by so many friends and family.  We also want to thank our loving Father because without Him none of this would have been possible.  He has picked us up when we are down and we definitely feel His loving hands around us. 

(To Makinley)  Way to go baby GIRL!  Today Dr. Grossmann was able to get a good enough picture of you to guess that you were most likely a girl.  We were so happy to have a gender!  We loved you either way but now we know just a little more about you in case something does happen.  Words will never be able to explain our excitement.  Your daddy is in love with you already and I swear he would give you anything you ask for now already.  I am shocked that we are having a girl and I can't help but think of the future and how fun it may be to go shopping with you and buy you all kinds of cute clothes and bows!  We are so proud of the way you are hanging in there and that you continue to beat all odds.  We plan to keep fighting for you baby Girl and we will keep taking it one day at a time to see how God's plan unfolds.

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