Friday, July 15, 2011

Taking Pleasure in the Small Things

Taking pleasure in the small things is something I have become very accustomed to lately.  Bed rest is just a reminder to never take anything for granted.  Here are a few examples from the last week in the hospital....

1. We got to change rooms!  Although this may seem minor it was a big deal to Andrew and I.  We were able to pick a room that was more spacious, had two large windows instead of one, a better view, and most importantly a better thermostat.  The first room we were in was always really warm.  We would leave the door open just to get air circulation which also allowed all of the hallway noise into the room.  Now we can turn the temperature cooler and get a way better sleep at night.  My view is now WAY better.  Before I got to look at boilers on the roof and now I can watch helicopters come and go, view people who are walking through the sky walk, and see cars in the parking ramp.  Seems simple but at least it is better than what we had before.  Here are a few pictures of my new "home" for an undetermined amount of time..... 

"My Couch" - this is where I spend a majority of my day.
I watch TV, eat my meals, and get monitored here.

"My Bed" - we kept the couch flipped
into a bed because it slept better.



This is my view of helicopters & the skywalk


Other side of my room - note my "closet" of a suitcase and
the super small TV I had to watch for eight weeks.


2. Wheelchair rides - it is a love/hate relationship.  Doctors do not want me to walk a lot which may cause me to go into labor quicker so therefore if I want to go anywhere besides my room - I have to be wheeled around.  Andrew took me outside and around the hospital today to give me some fresh air and new scenery.  I love the rides but I hate the stares from random people.  I will never again look at someone in a wheelchair the same way.  Not that I ever judged them for their position but now I know what it feels like even when people are trying to be nice or subtle.

3.  Haircuts - I want so say a big thank you to my friend's sister Michelle.  You made my night by giving me a simple haircut.  When I started bed rest I thought it would only last a few days maybe a couple weeks so I didn't worry about my hair.  When we kept making it farther I had planned to get a haircut before being admitted to the hospital but then that changed with our emergency room visit and being admitted by ambulance.  After two weeks in the hospital I really didn't think I would be getting a haircut anytime soon.  But that is when my friends stepped up.  THANK YOU for making me feel "normal" again and for creating a makeshift salon in my hospital room.


4.  Chiropractors - Don't take for granted that you can visit them when needed.  I am someone who relies heavily on my chiropractor to keep my back adjusted and me pain free.  Once again that luxury is gone when you start on bed rest in a hospital.  But....I have an amazing chiropractor....Trent & Kara are not only in the business but they have become great friends.  THANK YOU for visiting me on your personal vacation and for being so kind as to adjust me in a hospital room as well.

 5.  Cinnamon Rolls - Since I am staying in a hospital the main source of my food is the hospital cafeteria.  Most people get by with hospital food because they know they only have to have it for a few short days during their visit.  I have been at the hospital now for 2.5 weeks and I keep ordering the same things because that is all that I like on the menu.  This week, after talking with my cleaning ladies,  I learned there are many things that are "good" to eat that are not on the menu.  I was quickly informed to order cinnamon rolls.  What a TREAT!  I finally felt like I was eating some food that didn't belong in a hospital.  I thought I would include a picture of my makeshift pantry.  I have to have some goodies on hand :)

6. Take Out - I appreciate restaurants that offer take out meals.  When Andrew and I are at the hospital we try to pick up food from somewhere else for supper.  We order from the room, he kindly leaves to go pick it up, and then we eat it in the room.  It is so nice to have a change of flavor in my diet.  This baby has made me crave a lot of BBQ Ribs for a while.  So we tend to order a lot of Outback & Applebees!

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