Thursday, July 21, 2011

26 Weeks Along: 10 Weeks of Bed Rest

We are now 26 weeks which is awesome!  It has been just over 3.5 weeks since we were admitted to Sanford.  Certain days are longer than others but when looking at the big picture time has gone fast and we continue to strive to give this baby a fighting chance at life.  We have had some small scares or hiccups along the way where we have been bleeding and lost large amounts of fluid.  We have been below 1 cm at one time due to this.  But so far after each hiccup we have been able to hold off for a few days before another one occurs.  We usually are lower in fluid obviously when this happens but some how we keep regaining some of it back.  As our doctor says - you have to be maintaining some fluid in order to keep losing fluid so we will take it. 

We have done a few white blood count tests and to everyone's surprise they still continue to go down.  I was in the 8's which is awesome. This week I also took my glucose test.  I passed with flying colors which probably does not come to a surprise to most of you considering how much I enjoy sweets and how normal it is for my body to process them!  We also went ahead and did our second round of steroid shots.  I have now received all of those and they will not give anymore.  The reason we did the two dose series again is because there is not enough evidence to show how productive they would have been at 23 weeks when we did them first and they know that they will help if they can after 24 weeks. 
We had another growth ultrasound today.  These are always something to look forward to because it is exciting to see how big our baby is.  Baby is still in the 68% range and weighs 2 lbs 4 oz!  We were thrilled.  Everything still measures as though I am a week ahead and anatomy all looks great.  They are starting to think that maybe both feet are clubbed or turned inward now.  Could just be the way the baby is positioned but we won't know for sure until delivery.  Once again this is very fixable especially if it is being caused by our low fluid amounts.  We had just under 2 cm  of fluid which Dr. Boyle seemed okay with.  He keeps saying that as long as the baby has some fluid it is a positive.  The fluid is not as crucial now as it was between 17-23 weeks when the lungs are trying to develop so it is better to have lower amounts now than what it was then. 

We want to thank everyone that has been in contact with us, visited, sent cards or things for me to occupy my time.  We appreciate your continued prayers as we continue to put our trust in God and be witnesses for Him during this process.  Andrew is now into crop dusting season which takes its toll normally and is going to be even more stressful this year.  We obviously do not know what God's timing holds but we know that if things continue as they are we will not be seeing very much of each other during the next few weeks because of the long hours spray season involves.  Please pray that he can accomplish a lot at work but also for safe travels back and forth as well and if he would need to get up here quickly when things start to happen.  Our other prayer request would continue to be time.  We are hoping to get to a point where the only big thing we need to worry about at delivery will be the baby's lungs.  We would love to have minimal worries concerning bleeding on the brain, eyes not developed, and size/weight.  This improves every day but if we could make it to the 28 week point doctors would be very pleased.

(To Makinley) We are getting to spend lots of time together baby girl.  I love listening to you during our monitor sessions.  You scare me sometimes when you heart rate drops.  I am sure you are just moving positions but it still makes my heart skip a beat.  I hope you continue to stay head down.  Most importantly we want you to have an easy delivery but mommy has hopes of a natural delivery so try your best to stay the way you are.  I love to feel you kick around inside of me.  You definitely have "awake times" and you don't like to be monitored but we know it is important to make sure you are happy.  Mommy got to see you suck your thumb during an ultrasound this week.  It was so cute to see some detail in your face.  This is a rare occurrence since our pictures aren't as great due to low fluid levels.  We love you soo much!!

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