Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day - We're Pregnant

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today I gave Andrew a Valentine’s Day card and informed him about a very important gift we have been given.  I told him I was pregnant and we were expecting our first child.  I know he did not suspect anything so it was fun to see his expression change as he read the card.  He is very excited and we are both over joyed to be welcoming a child into our family and to enjoy one of God’s greatest blessings. 

(To Makinley) Although you are very small we have already began to have big dreams for you.  You are already a part of our family and we can’t wait to hold you in our arms.  We give thanks to God for picking us to be your parents.  We joke about whether you are going to be a girl after your daddy’s heart or if you are going to be a boy ready to give mommy a run for her money.  We have already started looking for fun ways to tell your aunts/uncles and grandparents about your arrival.  We can’t wait to spill the news!